Congratulations to Partner, Thomas G. Buck!
February 21, 2018
Yesterday, Tom was presented with the Department of Defense’s Patriot Award for employers “for Contributing to National Security and Protecting Liberty and Freedom by Supporting Employee Participation in America’s National Guard and Reserve Force”.
Pictured are:
Rick Vale, Tom Buck, USCG Commander Larry Jones (Ret.), Louisiana Committee ESGR, CSM Clifford Ockman, Jr., Command Sergeant Major for the Louisiana Army National Guard, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Kevin Dares, Command Chief Warrant Officer for the Louisiana Army National Guard, Valerie Ockman, and Charlotte Barbazon
- Vale, Buck, Jones, Ockman, Dares
- Vale, Buck, Jones
- Vale, Buck, Jones, Ockman, Dares
- Valerie Ockman and Tom Buck
- Charlotte Barbazon, V. Ockman, Buck, Jones C. Ockman, Dares
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