Frank Torres and Pam Molnar Successfully Defend Decision Under the Longshore Act

Frank Torres and Pam Molnar Successfully Defend Decision Under the Longshore Act

Recently, Mr. Frank Torres and Ms. Pam Molnar successfully defended a decision rendered under the Longshore Act resulting in a complete dismissal of a claim for death benefits before the Benefits Review Board. As the attached Decision demonstrates, the ALJ dismissed the claim for death benefits through the application of Section 33 of the Longshore Act, and for the claimants failure to comply with discovery orders relating to 3rd party tort settlements, thus triggering a dismissal via Section 33. This case is illustrative of how Blue Williams attorneys can aggressively defend your Longshore Act cases while being mindful of your bottom line in successfully having the case dismissed with a Motion for Summary Decision as opposed to a costly formal hearing. If you have any longshore claim questions, please contact either Mr. Torres or Ms. Molnar to handle any of your longshore needs.

Diane Pitre, et al v. HII BRB Decision

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