Recent Workers’ Compensation Decision

Recent Workers’ Compensation Decision

Recently, Mr. Eric Pope, a Partner here at Blue Williams who specializes in workers compensation matters received a decision  from the Louisiana Third Circuit after four years of constant and protracted litigation on behalf of his client. It is common in workers compensation cases for claimant attorneys to seek attorney’s fees and costs from carriers and employers in the handling of workers comp matters, and such tools at a claimant attorney’s disposal are an effective weapon in the pursuit of claims by claimant attorneys. As a result, it is a nice relief to have a case wherein a claimant attorney has to pay an employer sanctions for engaging in frivolous and protracted litigation. In Robinson v. Capital Staffing Services, Inc., et al  2019 WL 4852708 (La. App. 3rd Cir. 10/2/19), the Third Circuit took the extraordinary step of sanctioning a claimant attorney for $7,500 plus legal interest for pursuing frivolous appeals and litigation via La. Code Civ. P. art. 863(B)(1). It should also be noted this litigation has been ongoing since the 1008 was filed in 2015, and has aggressively represented the interests of the Employer to the present day, resulting in the Employer receiving money for a welcome change from claimant’s counsel.


Granted, while this kind of outcome may be rare, especially on workers compensation matters, we believe this case illustrates the innovative and vigorous representation Blue Williams attorneys provide for our clients. If you ever have any questions or require assistance in handling your workers compensation claims, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Eric Pope.

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